a little bit about us...
Kelli MacDonald
B.S., M. Ed.

Kelli MacDonald, an Independent College Advisor, specializes in college counseling and has extensive knowledge of the multiple requirements of individual colleges, as well as experience with the standardized tests currently administered (SAT, ACT, SAT II Subject Exams). Kelli has a Bachelors degree in Mathematics Education and a Masters degree in School Counseling, with an emphasis in College Advising. A former New York City (Hunter College High School) and Westchester County (Horace Greeley High School) mathematics teacher, Kelli has worked with students of all backgrounds and abilities and has developed a passion for helping them reach their full academic potential. For the past 16 years, Kelli has worked as a College Advisor serving families throughout the country by guiding them through the college selection and application process. Kelli works closely with both parents and students to ensure that every school selected meets student specific criteria and that all deadlines and requirements for applications are satisfied. She has also tutored and written practice books to prepare students for all sections of the SAT and ACT, as well as the SAT Math Level 1 and 2 Subject Tests.
Luke MacDonald

As a Certified College Planning Specialist, Luke MacDonald brings clients solutions to the ever-increasing financial demand of paying for college. Providing families with an in-depth education on the financial aid process, Luke explains how formulas are used to determine financial aid and how to develop a college funding plan through the use of financial aid strategies, tax strategies, and the efficient use of family resources.
Since each family’s situation is unique, Luke provides individual guidance in navigating the FAFSA, the CSS Profile, student loans, work study options, and school selection. Luke’s plans are holistic; he assists families with more than just college funding by focusing on each family’s long term goals. By maximizing students’ financial aid eligibility, Luke helps preserve family assets for other financial goals, such as home ownership, retirement, and lifestyle.
Luke has a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Oklahoma and a Master’s Degree from the Manhattan School of Music. He has performed professionally in multiple orchestras in the United States, Europe, and Asia. Prior to moving back to Montana in 2011, he was on active duty with the US Army on staff at the US Military Academy at West Point.